Unani Tibb Nutrition - Eating for You.

Unani Tibb Nutrition - Eating for You.
Photo by Anna Pelzer / Unsplash

What this article will cover:

  1. A brief explanation of the Energetic Value of Food
  2. What a Nutritious Diet is according to Unani Tibb
  3. Understanding Western Nutritional terminology from an Unani Tibb perspective


Regarding Diet and Nutrition, Unani Tibb emphasizes its importance in maintaining health and well-being. However, this approach (the Unani Tibb approach), to understanding food differs from Western Nutrition's. Instead of looking at whether a food item is high in fat, protein, carbohydrate, or any of the essential micro-nutrient, like magnesium or iron, Unani Physicians look at the energetic value of the food. What this mean is they look at how heating, cooling, drying, or moistening the food is on the body.

The Energetic Value of Food

The core reason for this is, as per Unani Tibb's philosophy, the energetic value (which will be referred to as the temperament) of the food enables one to ascertain how nutritious the food with be for an individual, especially once the individual's temperament is understood.

Allow me to break this down for you.

The whole philosophy of eating according to your temperament is based on the idea that the human body is composed of the four humors. These humor are body fluids and pose certain vital functions that allow the body to grow, repair, reproduce, fight through illness, etc. These four humors are The Blood Humour, The Phlegm Humour, The Yellow Bile Humour & The Black Bile Humour.

Now, the primary and most important of all humor is the Blood Humour and the body honors it by producing it first, before any of the other humours. The energetic value of this humor is Hot & Moist.

This is the first thing I wanted to point out. The second thing is the concept of vitality. The Philosophy of Unani Tibb, and other ancient Medicinal Sciences like Traditional Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine, and Ayurvedic medicine all appreciate the concept of an Innate Heat that circulates throughout the body.

Notice the word Heat - The Innate Heat's warmth kindles the digestive fire and stimulates consciousness (without which we would not be alive). Also notice the word circulate, as this innate hate, though it is in collaboration with all four humor (and thus relates to all four elements), is most close to the Air, and thus Blood Humour, as per understanding its actions. Hence, for this reason, we maintain why Blood Humor is the most necessary humor to maintain within the body.

So how do we maintain the blood humor and where do the four humours come from? The answer to both is Diet.

A Nutritious Diet

A correct diet plays a crucial role in producing the best blood humor and maintaining its balance in the body. Food that is heating and moistening is crucial to maintain adequate levels of Blood Humour in the body. Other factors, from the way we eat to who we eat with also affect Blood Humour production.

So does this mean there we can find the best diet that produces the best blood humor - that maintains our vitality and allows us to live to 100?

No, and this is where the next concept, of eating for our temperament comes in. (I hope you are able to keep up with me).

In Unani Tibb, the production of the correct amount of blood humor is intricately linked to an individual's temperament. Each person is born with a unique constitution, influenced by the balance of the four humors – Blood, Yellow Bile, Black Bile, and Phlegm. To achieve the ideal amount of blood humor, one must tailor their diet according to their specific temperament. For instance, individuals with a dominant Choleric temperament may require foods that balance their natural heat and dryness, while those with a predominant Phlegmatic temperament may benefit from foods that counter their cold and moist qualities. Sanguine who naturally produce more blood humor in their body, due to their constitution will in fact require less blood humour-producing food.

By eating in harmony with their temperament, individuals can support the optimal production of blood humor, leading to a balanced and harmonious state of health by the principles of Unani Tibb.

Eating for your temperament is necessary.

Does this mean Unani Tibb is at odds with Western Nutrition?

The simple answer is no. Looking down on any type of knowledge is unfruitful. Instead, understanding the benefits and limitations of that particular piece of knowledge is what increases wisdom and understanding. To continue, people must understand Unani Tibb is an ancient medical system, with its historical roots in ancient Greece (hence why it is called Unani, the Arabic and Persian word for Greek).

Throughout history, scientists have existed, both in the past and today, and their research has often led them to similar conclusions because facts are universal truths. I firmly believe in and advocate for Unani Tibb, as its terminology, though straightforward, holds a profound understanding of our bodies and the nutrition they need. When we combine the wisdom of Unani Tibb with modern nutrition knowledge, we gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of how to nourish our bodies for optimal health.

Understanding Western Nutrition the Unani Way.

In Unani Tibb, the classification of nutrients into different humors provides valuable insights into their impact on the body's balance. Normal proteins are categorized under the blood humor, indicating their essential role in nourishing and maintaining bodily tissues. However, when proteins are unassimilated or incompletely digested, they are associated with phlegm humor, reflecting their potential to create stagnation and congestion in the body (1).

Fats and lipids are linked to yellow bile humor, signifying their role in providing energy and supporting various physiological functions. Additionally, other classes of nutrients, such as organic acids, nucleic acids, and metabolic byproducts, are attributed to the black bile humor, symbolizing their involvement in waste elimination and detoxification processes (1).

Understanding these relationships between nutrients and humor allows Unani Tibb practitioners to tailor dietary recommendations and treatments to support a person's unique constitution and maintain a harmonious balance of humor, contributing to overall health and well-being (1)1.


Amri, Hakima, et al. Avicenna's Medicine: A New Translation of the 11th-Century Canon with Practical Applications for Integrative Health Care. Translated by Hakima Amri, et al., Inner Traditions/Bear, 2013.

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