Weight Loss & Obesity

Weight Loss & Obesity

In this article, we will explore the relationship between temperament and weight gain according to the Unani Tibb system.

Weight gain tends to be more prevalent among individuals with phlegmatic and sanguine temperaments compared to those with choleric and melancholic temperaments. This is largely due to the higher moisture levels in phlegmatic and sanguine individuals. Moisture causes expansion, which is reflected in their body figures.

Another key factor is that phlegmatic individuals often have less robust digestive systems. This slower digestion means that food does not pass quickly through their bodies, leading to weight gain. In contrast, choleric individuals seem able to eat whatever they want without gaining weight, thanks to their efficient digestive systems.

Understanding your body type in terms of temperament can give you a significant advantage in nutritional science and your weight loss journey. Ensuring your elimination pathways are open is crucial. If your bowels are irregular, you are not sweating properly, or your menstruation is irregular (indicating a hormonal imbalance), weight gain can easily become a secondary ailment. It is very much a chicken-and-egg scenario: regulate your bodily functions, and you will lose weight; lose weight, and you will regulate your bodily functions.

By aligning your lifestyle with your temperament, you can achieve better health and weight management.

5 Healthy Habits to instill in your Weightloss Journey

Green Tea

Green tea is packed with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. By reducing oxidative stress, green tea helps you unwind while also providing a gentle caffeine kick. Unlike coffee, the presence of the L-theanine compound in green tea promotes relaxation and alertness simultaneously. This unique combination not only improves brain function but also aids in fat loss, boosts metabolism, and supports healthy weight management.

Swapping out your usual beverage for green tea can be an easy, manageable change on your weight loss journey. Enjoy the many benefits of green tea as you progress toward better health and well-being.

Lemon Water

Starting your day with a glass of lemon water offers numerous health benefits. Lemon water aids digestion, supports hydration, provides a boost of vitamin C, and helps prevent kidney stones. Its detoxifying properties help flush out toxins from the body, enhancing overall well-being.

From a Unani Tibb perspective, this habit effectively manages the cleanliness and efficiency of your stomach. Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach helps regulate the stomach's pH level, flushes out unwanted matter, and dries out excess phlegm. These benefits contribute to preventing weight gain and supporting weight loss.

Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is essential for maintaining optimal health. However, according to Unani Tibb, a balanced refers to the qualities of the food, not just wether they are a carb, fat or protein.

For example, eating more heating and drying foods would benefit an overweight phlegmatic as their condition is the result of too much coldness in their body. For indivusals with edrometiosois or tinnusis, they would be advised more cooling and mosituing food for example.

This is the methodology of eating for your temperament, a corner stone of Unani Medicine.

Walking in the Morning and Evening

Walking is one of the simplest and most effective forms of exercise. A brisk walk in the morning and evening can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and enhance mood. It helps increase the metabolic heat in the body in a gentle manner. Note: its a primary medicine for constipation too.

Emotional Regulation

When people are feeling down, going through a struggle, or grieving, it's common to see changes in their bodies. You may have experienced this yourself, noticing weight gain or loss. Both responses are normal and linked to the dysregulation of the dorsal nervous system, which significantly impacts digestion.

During such challenging times, it is essential to find ways to uplift yourself, seek the light at the end of the tunnel, and choose happiness. According to Unani Tibb, unregulated emotions are among the biggest causes of sickness. For successful weight loss and overall well-being, it is important to address and process these emotions, paving the way for a happier and healthier you.

I hope this post was helpful and that new light was shed on this topic. Stay tuned by subscribing to get more information on the wisdom and wonders of Unani Tibb 😄

Warm regards,

Shifaa Khan, without prejudice

For this website-and-materials are with the void of the health advice by the author.

DISCLAIMER: Shifaa Khan's content is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship, nor a consultant-client relationship, nor a practitioner-client/patient relationship between Shifaa Khan and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. No presentation or communication shall expressly or implicitly bind any person or entity to any contract, agreement or course of conduct, or waive any part of this disclaimer and no one should rely on unverified claims that Shifaa Khan is part of any endeavor and all such reliance is expressly disclaimed.

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