Chicory Root

Chicory Root

Botanical Name: Cichorium intybus

Unani Tibb Name: Kasni

Other names: Endive, Wild Chicory, and Hindbah.

Parts used: Root

Mizaj: Cooling & Drying


  • Diuretic (1)
  • Laxative (1)
  • Stomachic (2)
  • Tonic (2)
  • Digestive (2)
  • Cholagogue (2)

Therapeutic Uses (1):

  • Dropsy
  • Hepatitis
  • Jaundice
  • Fever
  • Gastritis
  • Gallstones
  • Biliouse conditions

Dosage/Applications (1):

  • 7-17.5 mg

Popular Formulation (1):


  • Diuretic (4)
  • Detersive for the liver concerning oxalate crystals (4)
  • Curative for urinary calculi (4)


  • Used to treat tuberculosis (4)
  • Acts as a refrigerant (4)
  • Lung and Liver Tonic (4)


Inulin is the sweeter derived from chicory often used as a sugar substitute and added dietary fiber in a lot of processed foods. It also acts as a type of probiotic. Note, as Unani Practitioners, we always refer back to the temperament of the individual when administering herbal supplements as for the different temperaments, herbal supplements can have contrary effects.

Chicory and Gut Health

Whilst studying this herb, I found one study showing Chicory's immense benefit in intestinal health. Scientists studied the effects of dried chicory root on 55 people who were at risk for type 2 diabetes. They used a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, heavily influenced by the gut flora of the individual. They found in the study the following

    1. Bowel Function: The dried chicory given to the subjects made their stools softer and increased how often people had bowel movements.
    2. Gut Health: It changed the types of bacteria in the gut, increasing some beneficial ones like Anaerostipes and Bifidobacterium.
    3. Microbiota Products: The treatment increased levels of certain substances (acetate, propionate, and butyrate) produced by the gut bacteria.
    4. Glucose Control: People who took the treatment had more stable blood sugar levels, especially those with low levels of a specific bacteria called Blautia.

Conclusion: Overall, dried chicory root improved bowel function, boosted beneficial bacteria, increased certain gut products, and helped control blood sugar levels (3).

Chicory as a Coffee Substitute

It makes a fantastic coffee substitute. It tastes amazing left brewing overnight. You can treat it like any other coffee, making lattes, and using it for tiramisu and other coffee-flavored desserts.


  1. Handbook on Unani Medicines with Formulae, Processes, Uses and Analysis. NIIR Project Consultancy Services, 2003.
  2. Chishti, Ghulam Moinuddin. The Traditional Healer's Handbook: A Classic Guide to the Medicine of Avicenna. Inner Traditions/Bear, 1991.
  3. Puhlmann M-L, Jokela R, van Dongen KCW, et al. Dried chicory root improves bowel function, benefits intestinal microbial trophic chains and increases faecal and circulating short chain fatty acids in subjects at risk for type 2 diabetes. Gut Microbiome. 2022;3:e4. doi:10.1017/gmb.2022.4
  4. Said, Hakim Mohammed. Hamdard Pharmacopoeia of Eastern Medicine. Hamdard National Foundation Pakistan.

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