Breast Health

Breast Health
What this article will cover:
  • The cause of lumps, cysts, and cancer of the breasts.
  • Suggested resources for self-examinations
  • Herbal Supplements and Aids

The causes of lumps, cysts, and cancer of the breasts.

According to Unani Tibb, the breasts are characterized as moist and cold organs, creating an environment abundant in moisture (1).

When the balance of this moisture becomes disrupted i.e. its circulation becomes flawed, the potential for excessive accumulation arises. This break in normal circulation becomes the root of breast abnormalities.

To illustrate, think of water left stagnant in a glass over a few days – it becomes what we call, still water (less energetically beneficial) and over some time, becomes 'stagnant water'. Stagnant water is a breeding ground for pathogens, unlike moving water which is typically more cleansing.

Similarly, the moisture, or phlegm humor, within the breasts can amass and deviate from its natural state. This transformation often manifests as the sensation of lumps and cysts.

What causes excesses moisture to accumulate:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Excessive refined carbs and sugar
  • Hormonal/menstrual irregularities
  • Poor digestion
  • Obesity

Sometimes, however, it's not an access of moisture in the body but just an excess in a certain part, like the breasts, because of poor circulation.

What causes poor circulation:

  • Restricted bras
  • Tight clothing in general
  • Antiperspirants
  • Oral contraceptives (These affect the hormonal balance. Hormones in their normal circulation are very much the Western terminological language to express heat, coldness, moisture, and dryness. I will be doing a full blog post delving deeper into this in the future).
  • Over-stimulation (From caffeine stimulants like tea and coffee and also from triggers in day-to-day life).
  • Low-quality food
  • Not breast-feeding

Two very Important Videos to watch

Herbal Supplements & Aids

Fenugreek Oil - helps the breast regain its firmness after breastfeeding and also helps the milk flow. You can take it internally when breastfeeding by taking 1 tablespoon a day or adding it to your food. The oil can be used to gently massage the breast after you have stopped nursing your child.

Fennel & Fenugreek Tea - this also helps produce good milk by enhancing the milk production and also helping the digestion of the mother. The stronger her digestion is the better milk she will produce.

Flaxseeds (Linum usitassimum) - They are warm and moist seeds, from an Unani Tibb Pespective, and the richest source of secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) (1). This compound is...

...beneficial effects in inflammation, oxidative stress, heart disease, tumor progression, atherosclerosis, and diabetes. (2)

They are a genuine superfood to help balance hormones and aid general health. Remember, hot and moist foods, supplements, and herbs produce blood humor, bringing vitality (the opposite of cancer) to the body.

Mindset is everything.

How you approach health and disease is going to influence your healing journey. Whatever your mind concentrates on, the more of that thing you will get in your life. Take whatever you have learned from this article as blessings to enhance your health. Disease can be scary however never let fear lead your life.

Most of the time we fall because of a weak mindset. We are unable to deal with the stressors of time. Grow fortitude from within and health will surely follow. Remind yourself of the healing power already within you.


  1. Khan, Abiha Ahmad. "Breast cancer prevention: A Unani approach." (2015).
  2. Rom S, Zuluaga-Ramirez V, Reichenbach NL, Erickson MA, Winfield M, Gajghate S, Christofidou-Solomidou M, Jordan-Sciutto KL, Persidsky Y. Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside is a blood-brain barrier protective and anti-inflammatory agent: implications for neuroinflammation. J Neuroinflammation. 2018 Jan 27;15(1):25. doi: 10.1186/s12974-018-1065-0. PMID: 29373982; PMCID: PMC5787274.

DISCLAIMER: Shifaa Khan's content is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship, nor a consultant-client relationship, nor a practitioner-client/patient relationship between Shifaa Khan and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. No presentation or communication shall expressly or implicitly bind any person or entity to any contract, agreement or course of conduct, or waive any part of this disclaimer and no one should rely on unverified claims that Shifaa Khan is part of any endeavor and all such reliance is expressly disclaimed.

NO HEALTH ADVICE GIVEN OR CONSIDERED – Nothing heard, downloaded, seen, or via private coaching, shall be considered to be health advice. The member waives all claims and accepts full unconditional responsibility for any claims made in this regard. The member agrees they are subject to a $100,000 USD per claim for making such claims regarding results, health advice, or false claims of liability directed toward UnaniReads, Shifaa Khan and or any of its officers.

By: Shifaa Khan, beneficiary, without prejudice

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